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I preservativi My.Size sono i profilattici su misura per tutte le dimensioni. I condom My.Size si adattano perfettamente ad ogni pene garantendo comfort e sicurezza.

MY.SIZE 47 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 9,5 a 10 cm

MY.SIZE 49 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 10 a 11 cm

MY.SIZE 53 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 11 a 11,5 cm

MY.SIZE 57 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 11,5 a 12 cm

MY.SIZE 60 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 12 a 13 cm

MY.SIZE 64 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 13 a 14 cm

MY.SIZE 69 consigliato per una circonferenza del pene da 14 a 15 cm



MY.SIZE is the condom brand that comes in seven sizes from 47mm to 69mm width. With MY.SIZE you will find your perfect fitting condom for a comfortable and safe feeling. MY.SIZE condoms offer easy unrolling and a perfect fit. Try our penis measuring tape, to find the condom size that fits you best. MY.SIZE condoms are available in 7 different sizes which fit on nearly every penis size. More feeling: The width of a condom is most important for the feeling. Using the right MY.SIZE condom offers you a greater feeling.

Easy unrolling: Unrolling a MY.SIZE condom, compared to many other condom brands, is easier, because less force is needed. More safety: Using the correct MY.SIZE condom, you feel safer, because the condoms has an optimum fit. The condom can not slip off and does not squeeze.

Several studies have shown, that standard condoms for many men are too tight or too wide. This causes less safety and less comfort. To find your best fit MY.SIZE condom you can use our measuring tape to find out the circumference of your penis.

MY.SIZE 47 is recommended for a penis circumference of 9,5 to 10 cm

MY.SIZE 49 is recommended for a penis circumference of 10 to 11 cm

MY.SIZE 53 is recommended for a penis circumference of 11 to 11,5 cm

MY.SIZE 57 is recommended for a penis circumference of 11,5 to 12 cm

MY.SIZE 60 is recommended for a penis circumference of 12 to 13 cm

MY.SIZE 64 is recommended for a penis circumference of 13 to 14 cm

MY.SIZE 69 is recommended for a penis circumference of 14 to 15 cm


6,90 €Preis
Il prodotto può essere ordinato tramite le/i ns. consulenti

    © 2017 by CDC. s.r.l. (Viola Murmure) - Strada Valenza, 4/O - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL) - P.IVA: 02529820066 - REA n. T 233537830 - 

    Alessandria - Piemonte - Italia

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