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  • La miscela crea 4 litri di gel
  • Grande foglio impermeabile incluso 
  • Istruzioni dettagliate sul pannello della scatola per sperimentare questa avvenuta erotica, divertente e sensuale.
  • Contenuto netto 2x225 ml.

Offerto in 3 aromi sensualmente avvolgenti: Fragole e champagne, Frutta esotica, Melone-mango.



The Oriental body-to-body massage is a completely arousing and intensely erotic sensual experience. The gel, poured entirely onto the two naked bodies, lets lovers glide against one another in a slip-and-slide motion with ease and almost in complete weightlessness, which creates an intoxicating and aphrodisiac effect. The feeling of the skin itself becomes exciting and transforms sweet caresses into soft touches that bring you to the height of your imagination and your wildest desires... A one-of-a-kind fun adventure for sensual lovers!

Large waterproof sheet included.

2x 250 ml


Artikelnummer: 0015
33,00 €Preis

    © 2017 by CDC. s.r.l. (Viola Murmure) - Strada Valenza, 4/O - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL) - P.IVA: 02529820066 - REA n. T 233537830 - 

    Alessandria - Piemonte - Italia

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    Benessere sessuale, consulenti, sex toys, cosmetica erotica, salute sessuale, coppetta mestruale, palline geisha, assorbenti riutilizzab, Viola Murmure

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